Sunday, October 14, 2012

Halloween Zbrush Sculpt

So I'm trying to relearn zbrush once again. It's been months since I really worked on it, so I'm back to square 1, well more like square 1.5. Anyway, I was supposed to sculpt something over the weekend (Thanks to Filmer for inspiring me with his rock sculpt) but I blame Dishonored. Damn that game.  So i did some quick little sketches of zombie sweets. I shall attempt to do one for Halloween.


  1. Those are awesome, I like how they're already melty like the ice cream guy. Sweet sweet gore.

  2. Nice! I'm lovin the creamy brain filled center. Now I gotta get some gore up on this blog for Halloween.

  3. hahahah thanks you guys! Yes do bring on the Halloween gore. I love this holiday. I think it's the only one i'm really excited to do art for.
